Let Me Show You How to Have Your Best Birth Possible...

All by using your breath and your body to empower you through a smooth delivery.

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It's CRAZY to me to think that we expect our Mamas to "just know" what to do when it's time to push during labor. As a Pelvic Health Expert, I've worked with thousands of women over my 10 years and have fine-tuned a strategy that will help you connect with the pelvic floor muscles and your body to labor more efficiently.  

~Dr. Chelsea Beyers ~

"I had such a smooth, beautiful birth and felt empowered knowing how to work with my body through labor. The techniques I learned were priceless..."

Prepare For Your Best Birth

Eliminate the Uncertainty of Labor...

There's so much that is unexpected through a pregnancy, delivery and recovery. Let me help fill in the gaps and eliminate some of the stress, answer your questions and help you have a bit more peace through your journey into motherhood.

I'm In! Help Me Prepare Today

With Push Prep, you will learn:

  • What the pelvic floor is and its role during labor,
  • How to work with the pelvic floor properly to ensure it doesn't slow your labor down,
  • How to work with your breath to help baby move down toward and through the birth canal easier,
  • To recognize which positions are easiest for YOU to relax the pelvic floor so you can utilize those positions during labor,
  • The techniques to minimize tissue trauma and stalling during labor,
  • Eliminate the Uncertainty of how to push and how to work with your body so you can have the birth you envision,
  • And more great things continually being added!


Additional Guides

Not only will you get handouts to follow along with the course, but a resource guide of key practitioners to help you have a great pregnancy and help with your delivery, a guide to the Miles Circuit (helps encourage proper positioning of baby and to gain momentum if labor feels to be stalling), positioning guide for improved comfort and more!

Postpartum Essentials Guide

Eliminate the Uncertainty (TM) of the 0-6 week healing period. In my Postpartum Essentials Guide, I cover the key considerations to help your first 6 weeks be more comfortable, encourage healing, how to protect the diastasis (abdominal separation) early on and resuming light activity.

Expert Interviews

I've interviewed specialists in a number of different fields to help you get answers from the source. We cover Family Friendly Cesareans, The Midwifery Model of Care, The Role of a Doula (prenatal and postpartum), Lactation Support and Postpartum Nutritional Support. You won't have a question left unanswered!

Decisions During Labor

It can be difficult to make a game time decision when a provider presents options while in the midst of labor. Do you research before and have your answers ready so you don't have to fret about if you chose what is best for you and baby. Less thinking in labor = more progress!

Labor Bag & Postpartum Must Haves

I've put together a list of key items to bring to your labor (whether hospital, birth center or laboring at home) and the key things to make sure you'll want handy to keep you comfortable in the immediate postpartum phase.

Healing After a Cesarean

There are times where a cesarean is what is in the best interest of the health of Mama and baby. Let's be real - it's a major abdominal surgery though. And unfortunately, there isn't enough guidance in how to heal and stay comfortable. In this guide, I cover all the key considerations and tips to help you along if your journey shifted to be a cesarean.

"The material covered was so helpful in navigating the birth experience through my first visit back to my doctor at 6 weeks. There were some twists and turns in the journey for us, but the preparation beforehand helped me be less stressed about the decisions we made during labor."

Get Started Now

This course covers material that is taught over the course of 3-4 visits in the clinic. With enrollment in the course, you will save about $500, plus well over $600 worth of bonus expert content AND get lifetime access to the material. Additionally, we have made a convenient payment plan option available.

Push Prep Payment Plan

3 x $111.00

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Push Prep Regular Price


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First Time Mama


The information in Push Prep made me 100% more confident in working with my body, specifically my pelvic floor so that baby can come through the vaginal canal without my muscles tightening and slowing things down. The idea of working with your breath to labor makes so much sense. I've been practicing it for several weeks now and feel more confident than ever going into my upcoming labor.

Baby #4


Even though this isn't my first labor, I felt so much more confident going into labor and could 100% feel the difference in labor knowing how to fully relax the pelvic floor and working with my breath. So grateful to have this information and prepared me for such a beautiful birth. And the postpartum information was so helpful! Especially knowing how to move and protect my core and pelvic floor. I felt so much more confident through the entire journey!!

Don't Play the Guessing Game with Birth

Eliminate the Uncertainty (TM) of your birthing experience.

Prepare Today

The content of Push Prep is for information only does not provide specific medical advice, and is not a guarantee of outcomes. Recognize there are times where vaginal delivery is not in the best interest of the mother and baby. Before beginning any program, consult with your provider.